Child Safe Standards 

What to expect at Bass Valley Primary School:

  • Everyone connected to our school can help children be safe
  • We have zero tolerance of any abuse to children
  • We have policies and processes in place to protect the care, safety and welfare of children
  • There are clear boundaries about how adults in our school community may interact with the children here
  • The new child safe standards go further than child protection arrangements did in the past
  • The child safe standards apply to school staff (including volunteers and contractors), visitors and students’ family members
  • Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility
  • We want to ensure you know we are keeping your children safe at school, and how we’d like you to support us (for families)
  • Unsupervised contractors will be asked about their child safety arrangements as a condition of working with us if they work with children enrolled in the school (or children can reasonably be expected to be present while they are at school)
  • Other people using our school facilities will be asked about their child safely arrangements as a condition of using our facilities, if they involve children enrolled at the school (or children can reasonably be expected to be present while their staff or other adults are at the school)

For more information, please download our policy documents below:

Our Child Safety Code of Conduct is posted at the office for all visitors, volunteers and staff to read and agree to before entering.

Other School Policies

Our school has a number of other policies regarding various aspects of engagement and participation. Please see below for further information.

